

Marketing that Pays for Itself

What Kind of Commitment are We Talking About?

We like to spend some time getting to know each other. The best way to do this is by starting with a shorter engagement.

Developing a Growth Framework for Your Company

Over four weeks, we'll discuss your goals and your customer values, and together, we'll create a marketing strategy that positions you like never before.

If, after those three weeks, we decide we're not a good fit for one another, you will have a completed Growth Framework you can implement on your own.

$10,000 covers our three weeks of meeting to discuss your customers, your competition and your unique positioning to determine how you'll be seen differently. Your completed workbook will also come with a recommended plan for the next steps from our team. 

We always start with a free consultation to see if we can help.

Are you ready?

Creating a Website That Converts

The strategy phase at the start of the process provides a general plan for your website that we can start to create right away! Website builds start at $7,000 and can go above $40,00 – depending on what you need and what kind of design you'd like. 

 We build all of our websites on HubSpot Content Hub for many reasons, including:

  • Built-in marketing tools that provide reporting on conversion actions
  • Easy-to-use design system for creating new pages
  • Content AI assistance in the CMS to make writing a breeze.

If you’re ready to get started, let’s talk about what you need.

Request a Free Consultation

Marketing That Produces Leads

Marketing is run at your pace. We'll give you a recommendation for running a full-speed marketing program that will generate results on the timeline we've discussed.

Most full-speed marketing programs require at least $10,000 per month to get the results you're looking for at the pace you will find acceptable. But if you need to spend less,  we'll just go a little slower. You'll still get the results -- just on a slightly different timeline. We have marketing programs that range from $4,000 to $12,000 per month.

Meeting Expectations

We always want to be sure your marketing investment is logical based on your average customer value. Before we get started, we will discuss the metrics used to measure the success of the marketing activities. We'll also talk about the timeline.

It's important that everyone is on the same page regarding expectations! We can achieve some short-term wins, but we'll also have long-range goals that take some time to reach. 

What Does the HubSpot Software Cost?

HubSpot’s CRM, marketing, sales and customer service software starts at $0.

Free is a great way to get started. Depending on your needs, your company may benefit from the paid features of the HubSpot platform. We will evaluate HubSpot’s tools to see if there’s value for your organization and recommend what would enhance your marketing and sales efforts.

30 Degrees North became a HubSpot Agency Parter in 2014. This benefits you by working with an experienced HubSpot partner that will set you up for success. You will not have to pay HubSpot’s onboarding fees ($3,000-$6,000) when you work with 30 Degrees North as a Solutions Partner.

There is no markup on HubSpot’s software. You’ll sign an agreement and pay HubSpot directly.

Want to Learn More?

If you like this phased approach, let's talk. We work with clients across North America.